Ghost Pig News (On Sale Now!)

Hello all! Quite a bit has been happening. I have been neglecting my social media responsibilities, so I will jam a bunch of cool stuff into one post.

Big Trubble has an awesome article in the latest issue of Designlines. It focuses on the Ghost Pig, but gives a nice overview on what we’re about

There are also lots of ways to buy a Ghost Pig now! I was finally able to buckle down and finish the edition of 30. It was a ton of work, but they are finally ready to consume.

You can get one at

You can go to Magic Pony on Queen West in Toronto.

..or you can come to the Open House this weekend at Walnut Studios!

If you have any questions or inquiries feel free to email me at

New Blog!

Hello all! I’m Laird. This blog is for everything that I think is great. Most of that will be toy related. I’ve been itching to have a place to nerd out about my collecting and showcase what I think is tops in the industry. There will also be little previews of some of my toy releases leading up to the launch of Big Trubble (my designer toy label).

I wasn’t going to do this, but here’s an early pic of our first bust for BIG TRUBBLE.

 Sculpt and Design by Phil Woollam. Refined, Molded and Casted by Laird Henderson